



职       称: 副研究员
职       务: 硕士生导师
办公地点: 冶金楼1205
电子邮件: xilan@ustb.edu.cn
研究方向: 铁矿资源高效利用

简   介

兰茜,1993年7月生。2016年6月获北京科技大学冶金工程专业学士学位,2021年6月获得北京科技大学冶金工程专业博士学位(直博保送)。目前主要从事复杂矿冶炼渣及冶金二次资源中有价组分回收利用方面的研究工作。近年来发表论文40余篇,授权发明专利8项,主持国家级、校级及企业级课题6项。其中以第一作者身份发表SCI论文18篇,EI及核心论文3篇,IF综合>107。获美国陶瓷协会授予的“ACerS Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award”、研究生最高荣誉“校长奖章”等荣誉奖励


1. 2016-2021,北京科技大学冶金工程专业(直博),获工学博士学位。

2. 2012-2016,北京科技大学冶金工程专业(本科),获工学学士学位。


1. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Yu Li, Zhancheng Guo. A green method of respectively recovering rare earths (Ce, La, Pr, Nd) from rare-earth tailings under super-gravity, J Hazard Mater, 367 (2019): 473-481.

2. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Xintuo Qu, Zhancheng Guo. An environmental-friendly method for recovery of soluble sodium and harmless utilization of red mud: solidification, separation, and mechanism. Resour Conserv Recy, 186 (2022): 106543.

3. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Zengwu Wang, Zhancheng Guo. Separation of niobium and rare earths from Fe-Nb-RE associated ultra-low-grade tailings using super gravity. Sep Purif Technol, 314 (2023): 123589.

4. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Kairong Xue, Huanhuan Xu, Zhancheng Guo. A new finding and technology for selective separation of different REEs from CaO-SiO2-CaF2-P2O5-Fe3O4-RE2O3 system. Sep Purif Technol, 293 (2022): 121121.

5. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Yu Du, Zhancheng Guo. Effect of super gravity on successive precipitation and separation behaviors of rare earths in multi-components rare-earth system. Sep Purif Technol, 228 (2019): 115752.

6. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Zengwu Wang, Zhancheng Guo. Viscosity of RE-bearing slag systems and kinetics of nucleation and growth for RE-phases. Ceram Int, 48 (2022): 13304-13310.

7. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Yu Du, Zhancheng Guo. Mineral evolution and separation of rare-earth phases from Bayan Obo rare-earth concentrate in a super-gravity field. J Alloy Compd, 731 (2018): 873-880.

8. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Yu Du, Zhancheng Guo. A novel method of selectively enriching and separating rare earth elements from rare-earth concentrate under super gravity. Miner Eng, 133 (2019): 27-34.

9. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Kairong Xue, Zhancheng Guo. Selective separation and crystal characterization of RE-phases from RE-bearing slag systems: calcium cerite and cefluosil. J Am Ceram Soc, 2023, 106(3): 2130-2138.

10. Xi Lan, Jintao Gao, Zengwu Wang, Guoliang Feng, Zhancheng Guo. Effect of basicity on the solid solution behavior of phosphorus and in situ separation of nC2S-C3P solid solution from molten steelmaking slag via super-gravity. Metall Mater Trans B, 53 (2022): 829-835.


1. 国家级,含铌渣中富铌相熔析结晶调控机制及强化分离基础研究,2024-01,主持;

2. 省部级,稀土渣系等温相图与稀土相相平衡,2021-11,主持

3. 校级,低品位铌铁矿超重力渣铁分离及选择性提铌,2023-05,主持

4. 企业级,热镀锌渣在线分离及减量化技术开发,2023-08,主持

5. 企业级,含锌冶金粉尘资源化利用关键技术基础研究,2022-08,主持

6. 企业级,熔渣制备微晶玻璃改质前后样品基础物性检测,2023-09,主持


1. 兰茜, 郭占成, 高金涛等, 一种铌铁矿综合利用方法和设备, 已授权

2. 兰茜, 郭占成, 高金涛等, 一种超重力消除赤泥高碱性的方法和设备, 已授权

3. 兰茜, 郭占成, 高金涛等, 一种提高贫铌渣品位的方法与设备, 已授权


1. 美国陶瓷协会ACerS Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award”2020.10(排名第);

2. 北京科技大学“第十五届校长奖章”2021.06

3. “全国大学生冶金科技竞赛”三等奖2023.07(第一指导教师)。