职 称: 教授
职 务: 博士生导师
办公地点: 冶金生态楼1011
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移动电话: 13910150375
传 真: 010-62334664
电子邮件: chengguoguang@metall.ustb.edu.cn
1. 纵向(揭榜挂帅课题),超高锰超高铝无磁钢板研发的关键技术,2022.
2. 纵向(揭榜挂帅课题),超洁净轴承钢高效冶炼关键技术,2022 .
3. 纵向(揭榜挂帅课题),高铁轮轴钢材料关键制造技术开发,2021 .
4. 国际级 , 国际级(中英国际合作课题) ,多尺度模拟和先进生产装备相结合开发长寿命超纯净轴承钢(2015DFG51950)(中英国际合作课题),2015 .
5.国家级 ,国家级(国家自然科学基金),稀土对Nb-Ti微合金模具钢中大尺寸复合碳氮化物的抑制机理,2018 .
6. 企业级 ,企业级(校企合作重点课题),高温母合金冶炼工艺研究,2022 .
7. 企业级 ,企业级(校企合作重点课题),高合金不锈钢冶金工艺及夹杂物控制,2022 .
8. 企业级 ,企业级(校企合作重点课题),供THK钙硫系易切削汽车用钢关键冶金技术,2022 .
9. 企业级 ,企业级(校企合作重点课题) ,酒钢20Mn23A1V钢冶金工艺与质量研究,2019 .
10. 企业级 ,企业级(校企合作重点课题) ,含硫非调质钢MnS夹杂物形态控制关键技术研究,2018 .
• HUANG Y, CHENG GG, ZHU M T, DAI W X:Effect of cerium on the behavior of primary carbides in cast H13 steels[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.
• Dai W X, Cheng G G, Zhang G L, et al:Investigation of Circulation Flow and Slag-Metal Behavior in an Industrial Single Snorkel Refining Furnace (SSRF): Application to Desulfurization[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.
LU J L, WANG Y P, WANG Q M, et al:Effect of MnS inclusions distribution on intragranular ferrite formation in medium carbon non-quenched and tempered steel for large-sized crankshaft[J], ISIJ international.
Dai W X, Cheng G G, Li S J, et al:Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow and Mixing Behavior in an Industrial Single Snorkel Refining Furnace (SSRF): The Effect of Gas Injection Position and Snorkel Diameter[J]. ISIJ International.
HOU Y Y, CHENG G G:Formation Mechanism and Nucleation Effect of Ti2O3-TiN Complex Nucleus at Solidification Front of 18Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.
• LU J L, CHENG G G, CHE J L, et al:Effect of oxides on characteristics of MnS and transverse mechanical properties in commercial Al-killed non-quenched and tempered steel[J], Metals and Materials International.
• LI J Y, CHENG G G, RUAN Q, et al:Optimization of AISI 443 Stainless Steel Cleanness during Secondary Steelmaking Process[J]. Steel Research International.
HOU Y Y, CHENG G G:An Investigation of Columnar to Equiaxed Transition and the Effect of Cooling Rate on Nucleus Density Distribution of an Industrial Ti and Nb-Stabilized Ferritic Stainless Steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
LI J Y, CHENG G G, RUAN Q, et al:Evolution Mechanism of Oxide Inclusions in Titanium-Stabilized AISI 443 Stainless Steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.
LI S J, CHENG G G, MIAO Z Q, et al:Evolution of Oxide Inclusions in G20CrNi2Mo Carburized Bearing Steel during Industrial Electroslag Remelting[J]. ISIJ International.
HUANG Y, CHENG GG, LI S J, DAI W X:Effect of Cerium on the Behavior of Inclusions in H13 Steel[J]. Steel Research International,.
LI S J, CHENG G G, MIAO Z Q, et al:Kinetic Analysis of Aluminum and Oxygen Variation of G20CrNi2Mo Bearing Steel during Industrial Electroslag Remelting Process [J]. ISIJ Int.
1. 发明专利. 一种提高返回料使用比例的镍基高温合金及冶金工艺.ZL202111556516.0. 2022
2. 发明专利.一种减少轴承钢中大尺寸夹杂物的转炉出钢冶金工艺. ZL202111263763.1. 2022
3. 发明专利. 一种含稀土硫化物形核剂的铁素体不锈钢的制备方法.ZL202110996832.3. 2022
4. 发明专利.一种高纯净度GCr15SiMn轴承钢冶金工艺.ZL202111138774.7. 2022
5. 发明专利. 减少TP321不锈钢无缝管分层缺陷的Ti合金化工艺.ZL202110814436.4.2022 .
6. 发明专利.单嘴精炼炉冶炼高洁净轴承钢精炼工艺.ZL201710539382.9.2019 .
7. 发明专利.一种提高铁素体不锈钢连铸坯等轴晶比例的精炼工艺方法. ZL201710039148.X.2019 .
8. 发明专利. 一种提高双稳定铁素体不锈钢连铸坯等轴晶率的工艺方法. ZL201710750795.1.2019 .
9. 发明专利. 一种高强韧性曲轴钢晶内铁素体的冶金方法.ZL201710331155.7.2018 .
10. 发明专利. 高速铁路扣件用弹条用钢及其冶炼生产方法.ZL 201210240788.4.2014 .
1. 国家级,转炉流程生产优质特殊钢工艺技术的开发与创新,北京市科学技术一等奖和国家科技进步二等奖,2009。
2. 省部级,冶金熔体和溶液计算热力学,冶金科技进步三等奖,2002。
3. 校级,高端特殊钢非金属夹杂物控制理论与应用”,入选《北京科技大学2019年度十大学术进展》,。