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The 1st Announcement of the 6th China-UK Steel Research Forum

6th China-UK Steel Research Forum

24 - 27 April 2020, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

(The 1st announcement)

1. Introduction and aim

The China-UK Steel Research Forum is a well-established biennial academic conference for steel researchers across China and UK, with support from major steel-making companies, steel research institutions and research funding bodies from both countries. Following the past successful 5 events in Leicester (2010), Wuhan (2012), Oxford (2014), Chongqing (2016) and Birmingham (2018). The 6th conference will be held at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China in 24-27 April 2020.

It aims to provide a platform for scientists, engineers, technologists, industry leaders and policymakers to discuss and exchange the recent advances on steel, materials science and engineering research in China and UK. It will also aim to provide a unique and valuable opportunity for academic institutions and industrial companies to develop joint research projects to foster research collaborations between China and UK.

2. Scope of the forum

Contributions are welcome from all respects of steel research, including but not limited to:

Advanced Steel Metallurgy

New Materials (e.g. new steels, nanomaterials)

Advanced Manufacturing

Application of AI in Steel Industry

Modelling of Metallurgical Processes

Materials Characterisation

Multi-scale Materials Modelling

Metallurgical Equipment & Automation

Environmental Protection

Sustainable Development

Keynote speakers will be invited from leading research institutions and steel-making companies in China and UK.

3. Committee and advisory board

Organizing Committee (alphabetic order of family name)



Hanshan Dong

University of Birmingham

Hongbiao Dong (UK Co-Chair)

University of Leicester

Zhancheng Guo (Chair)

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Shuqiang Jiao

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Vasant Kumar

University of Cambridge

Zushu Li

Warwick University

Qing Liu

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Jingang Qi

British Steel

Alan Scholes

Materials Processing Institute

Steven Shi


Lijun Wang

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Ian Warrington


Jianliang Zhang

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Scientific Committee China (alphabetic order of family name)



Chenguang Bai

Chongqing University

Kuo-Chih Chou (Chair)

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Zhancheng Guo

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Weidong Huang

Northweston Polytechnical University

Yixin Huang

NanJing Iron & Steel Co. Ltd

Baicheng Liu

Tsinghua University

Xinping Mao

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Jianxin Xie

University of Science and Technology Beijing

Zhigang Yang

Tsinghua University

Pei Zhao

the Chinese Society of Metals

Scientific Committee UK (alphabetic order of family name)



Harry Bhadeshia

University of Cambridge

Paul Bowen

University of Birmingham

Hanshan Dong

University of Birmingham

Hongbiao Dong

University of Leicester

Patrick Grant

University of Oxford

Steven Kenny

Loughborough University

Vasant Kumar

University of Cambridge

Jianguo Lin

Imperial College London

Chris McDonald (UK Co-Chair)

Materials Processing Institute

Cameron Pleydell-Pearce

University of Swansea

Mark Rainforth

University of Sheffield

Chris Vaughan

British Steel

Paul Woollin


Steven Shi


4. Registration

For the participants registration and getting visa, please complete and return the China-UK Steel Research Forum Application Form by e-mail to zhewang@ustb.edu.cn or chengbin.shi@ustb.edu.cn by 29 Feb 2020. The Application Form can be found here.

5. Abstract submission

Prospective delegates are requested to submit an abstract of about 300 words to zhewang@ustb.edu.cn or chengbin.shi@ustb.edu.cn by 15 Mar 2020. The abstract should include title, author(s), affiliation(s) and key words (up to 5).The template for abstracts can be found here.

6. Contact us

For general enquiries, such as abstract submission, registration, catering requirements or exhibitor and sponsor opportunities, please contact us via:

Dr. Chengbin Shi,

Dr. Zhe Wang,